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Far East Hengjia organized fire safety training

 Production safety is closely related to the lives and property of individuals and enterprises, and is closely related to the family happiness of many employees. Therefore, the State Council Safety Committee and the National Emergency Command stipulate that June every year is "Safety Production Month". This year's theme is "Everyone pays attention to safety, everyone knows how to respond to emergencies, and smooth life channels."

        The management committee where the Far East Hengjia factory is located organized companies to hold safety-themed meetings and distributed promotional posters for companies to use. Far East Hengjia immediately posted it in a conspicuous location in the factory so that every employee can see it immediately.


 Far East Hengjia also organized a three-level production safety training, conducted safety education and assessment for new employees, and recently conducted a fire safety practical drill, produced video courseware, and called on all employees of the company to learn.

 Far East Hengjia always takes the safety and welfare of its employees into consideration, takes safety management as an important task, and strives to create a harmonious and united family!