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Adapt to Hengjia’s situation and learn something about safety every day

 June every year is the production safety month jointly determined by the Safety Committee of the General Office of the State Council and the Ministry of Emergency Management, requiring government departments at all levels and enterprises and institutions to take active actions to organize education and inspections on production safety. The theme of Production Safety Month in 2024 is "Everyone pays attention to safety and everyone knows how to respond to emergencies - smooth the passage of life."

        Tianjin Far East Hengjia New Materials Co., Ltd. has always attached great importance to production safety and always pays attention to the safety of its employees. In its daily work, it can implement and continuously emphasize various requirements for production safety. Therefore, during the safety production month, relevant work has been strengthened.

       According to statistics, in June, Far East Hengjia organized a safety education for new employees, a fire-fighting skills training and a company-wide inspection of fire-fighting facilities, and edited a fire-fighting skills training video and a safety video based on the company's actual needs. Courseware "Safety Production 123". Through the WeChat group, 19 safety production common sense and warnings are published every day, and two safety production posters issued by the park are posted.
